Immune Boosters: Cat’s Claw

In Spanish this herb is known as Una de Gato (or cat’s claw) as its vine resembles the claws of a cat. This rainforest herb is native to South America and has been used by the indigenous people for over 2000 years.
Cat’s Claw is a great supplement to give your immune system a boost and keep the Candida at bay. Your immune system is your first and best defense against Candida, so it’s important to do everything you can to make it stronger.
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How does Cat’s Claw work?
Cat’s Claw contains alkaloids that strengthen your white blood cells, allowing them to attack foreign invaders such as Candida, as well as other fungi, viruses and bacteria.
Cat’s Claw also has antioxidant properties that combat free radicals in your bloodstream. These are the pesky chemicals that causes aging and disease. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help with gastrointestinal disorders that involve inflammation (such as Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, IBS, and other bowel problems), and it also has a detoxifying effect on the intestinal tract.
How to take Cat’s Claw?
Cat’s Claw usually comes in 1g capsules. The usual recommendation is to take 1-2 capsules, 3 times daily.
Capsules are not the only way to take Cat’s Claw though. The inner bark of Cat’s Claw is also used to make liquid extracts and teas. Preparations of cat’s claw can also be applied topically to the skin.
Who should not take Cat’s Claw?
Women who are pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive should not take Cat’s Claw. Speak to your doctor if you are taking any other medications, to avoid interactions.
Cat’s Claw can cause thinning of the blood, so do not take it 2 weeks prior to surgery. If you have any doubts, speak to your doctor.
Cat’s Claw Side effects?
Side effects can include headaches, vomiting and dizziness. If you have any concerns, remember to speak to your doctor.
If you want to learn more about boosting your immune system, my Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program recommends a list of immune boosting supplements.